Friday, June 12, 2009

School's Out

How is it possible that so much time has gone by since I've written?

Today is the kids first day of summer vacation. And ... (tee hee) ... they're out of our hair ... erhm ... I mean ... out of the house (yeah ... THAT's what I mean) for the weekend. =)

Unfortunately, the weekend is not enough time for Queen Bee and I to move to Argentina.

Let's see ... the school year. I'll start at the top of the age chain ...

I got an A (99.1%) in my Java class. I'm sure my classmates hate me - I busted all the curves except one in that class. The final was a real bugger, and I scored 97% so the curve was a whopping 3% ... and I think that was the largest curve of the semester.

Queen Bee, of course graduated from SVU with a Bachelor's degree in politics and philosophy.

Dude ... you know - I don't really know how she did. I will find out and edit this later. She is working full time (and quite a bit more) for a start-up firm in BV. She and Chuck share an apartment over that way.

Superman is taking a little time off from school, allowing him to work day shifts. He has reassured me that he will go back as soon as Rosebud finishes her school. (I'm going to hold you to that promise, son.)

** UPDATE **
Superman took College Algebra last semester, and got an A! He is taking a summer class, trig, online now. He is planning to take one class per semester for the forseeable future. Working full time and his church calling in the Stake Young Men's program keeps him really busy. We're proud of you, Superman!

Rosebud made progress at UT Tyler. She is studying accounting, and I'm very proud of her for sticking with it. She's also working full time, is active at church, and takes good care of Superman ... so this is a big deal.

** UPDATE **
Rosebud just finished her semester with two A's and one C. Yay! She has two semesters left until graduation. We're proud of you too, Rosebud!

Chuck did well (as I remember) this semester. She is also working full time for the same firm as Dude.

Fred did very well. She pulled an A in o-chem 2 out of her magic hat. I'm pretty sure she was praying for anything higher than a C. I'm not sure if she got all A's or one B this term.

I'm not sure whether Noodle got all A's or one B. She was also in several theater productions, and was the student body rep to the school board.

Peanut is a bit worried about her French grade. But I think that's the only possible trouble spot for her. She really loved her photo class.

The Boy has finally admitted that he's glad summer is here. This is the first time he hasn't been sad to see the school year end.

1 comment:

AAA Donkey Blog said...

Yay! I'm glad that everyone did well this semester. Congrats to Freddy on her O-Chem grade!! Don't worry, will do just fine in French. Ooh-la-la! :) Love to all y'all on the east coast!