Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beginnings are fragile things

Welcome to our madhouse.

We're the wardens. And the perpetrators, I suppose.

These are all the inmates, including our son-in-law. We're so glad he joined the family. They're all gathered around the 2007 Christmas tree.

I was inspired to create this blog by Aimee Robertson. I suppose I will improve over time.

So ... have a seat, kick off your shoes, make yourself at home.


AimeeTheSuperMom said...

Watch out. Blogging is an addiction.

At the end of each year, I like to go to another site that will turn my blog into a coffee table book. It's cheaper than scrapbooking, and less time consuming.

Enjoy the blogging world!

Charline Truitt said...

How nice to be able to see my family from the left coast. We are slogging through a slow economy also in the mortgage banking business. Dan and I are seeing what we believeis the end of a very long tunnel. We just hope it is not a train!!! Keep the blog going as it may be a while before any plane tickets come our way!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Too cool and way neat (yeah, that's "Grampa speak" for I really like it) and will check in for the latest routinely. Happy to read all are well occupied and enjoying it. Will also look forward to some pics taken by Dude and Peanut ahowing off their work. DADA

Anonymous said...

...and normally I can spell "DAD".