Monday, October 29, 2018

Changes ... and more changes

I know it's been a LONG while since I posted here.

Let's see ... (now, keep in mind, each of these items is probably worthy of its own post, but I'm being brief) ...we moved from the Beev to SoCal ... Sue completed her Master's in bioethics ... and then landed a job with her Alma Mater, Loyola Marymount University (LMU) ... I earned a certificate from Golden West College (GWC) in Digital Audio ... and I learned lots of other stuff there (some they intended to teach me, some not) ... Alicia, then Lora, then Stephanie got married, each to a great man we all love ... and now we have grandkids! ... Wendy landed a not-so-dream job at Baskin Robbins ... and then a dream job in a nationally known portrait studio ... and then a BETTER dream job taking portraits at preschools and daycares and the like ... and is now taking some time off from work to finish a BA degree from LMU (gotta' love tuition remission) ... Pam hung out with us to decompress and be a beach bum for a while ... and now is in New York attending Syracuse University studying Italian Art History ... and will be going to Italy early in 2019 (yeah - she's excited) ... David tool some classes at GWC and at LMU ... and landed a great job with a national theater chain ... Oh, and we adopted a cat in SoCal (Jaspurr).

That brings us almost current.

I've been searching for a school for studio recording for about ten years, and I wasn't sure I would ever find a good match. The VERY first school I looked into closely was this place in Nashville, Tennessee called Dark Horse. It was more of an apprenticeship than a school, but I fell in love with it. Unfortunately, at the time, I was depending on Federal financial aid to pay for my education, and Dark Horse was not a Federally approved program ... so I kept looking.

Among the many changes I listed was also one I don't enjoy talking much about - my dad passed. I still can't stop the tears when I talk or even think hard about it.

My dad made it financially possible to attend whatever program I desired.

Mid-October 2018, David and I made a road trip from SoCal to Nashville, TN, where we now reside.

Everything is fine between Sue and I.

I am now a student at Dark Horse Institute (the school established by the Dark Horse Studio to fill the need for high-quality sound engineers). I have survived my first week, and have learned SO MUCH!

I make no promises, but I well try to post more often than every few years.

May God bless and keep you.

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